Tubeaxial fans or axial flow fans used to control indoor air quality, temperature, and humidity. They use an impeller to move air in a linear direction. The impeller is a rotor with several blades that spins within a cylindrical housing, creating airflow through the fan.

Axial flow fans are a popular choice for HVAC and industrial ventilation systems. That includes other applications that require the movement of large volumes of air. They are known for their high efficiency and low noise levels, making them ideal for use in buildings and other enclosed spaces.

At NorthStock, we provide quality tubeaxial fans likeTPI. They help improve your HVAC system's efficiency by controlling air quality, humidity, and temperature.

Our axial flow fans exhaust air from or supply air to commercial and industrial facilities with ducted systems. View our extensive list of the best tubeaxial duct fans below to find one suited for your facility.

All You Need to Know About Our Tubeaxial Fans

At NorthStock, we specialize in providing high quality tubeaxial fans to meet your specific needs. Here's what you need to know before ordering your axial flow fans:

Uses of Tubeaxial Fans

Our tubeaxial duct fans are versatile and efficient. These air-moving devices offer a wide range of applications to control humidity, temperature, and air quality. They are reliable and easy to maintain, and you can optimize them to meet the specific needs of your application.

Our tubeaxial fans are ideal for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to circulate and ventilate air within buildings and other enclosed spaces. This helps create better working conditions for your staff. Commercial applications include:

  • Office buildings

  • Enclosed spaces like garages

  • Shopping malls

  • Paint spray booths

  • Smoke or heat ventilation systems

Tubeaxial fans are perfect for industrial ventilation systems that exhaust fumes, dust, and other contaminants from factories and warehouses. They help maintain precise temperature and humidity levels required in data centers, laboratories, and other facilities.

Features of Tubeaxial Duct Fans

Tubeaxial fans have several key features that make them an effective and efficient choice for various applications. These features include:

  • High Efficiency: Tubeaxial duct fans are best known for their high efficiency. This means they move a large air volume with relatively little energy consumption.

  • Low Noise Levels: Axial flow fans operate with lower noise levels. That's why they are ideal for use in buildings and other enclosed spaces where noise is a concern.

  • Customizable: Tubeaxial duct fans are available in various sizes, horsepower, styles, and performance characteristics. This means it's easier to customize your tubeaxial fan to match your application.

  • Durable: Tubeaxial duct fans have a solid construction made of steel, aluminum, and plastic, depending on your application and environment. These materials make them durable and corrosion-resistant to guarantee prolonged use.

  • Range of Options: Our axial flow fans come in different types: belt-driven, direct-driven, and variable-speed. The exact type depends on your application's requirements. Most of our belt drive tubeaxial fans are rated from 500 to 100,000 CFM with a static capability of up to 1 ½ inches. Direct drive tubeaxial fans have a lower airflow range with a maximum CFM of 50,000.

Get Premium Tubeaxial Fans from NorthStock Today

At NorthStock, we are a reputable supplier of high-quality, reliable, customizable tubeaxial fans and other HVAC equipment. We leverage our comprehensive industry experience to provide the best products designed for a wide range of applications. Contact our responsive customer care team to learn more about our tubeaxial fans or place an order today.
