What is the Difference Between a Portable AC and a Window AC?

Posted by NorthStock, Inc on May 31st 2024

Portable Air Conditioners vs Window AC Units: Which is Best for You?

When you need to cool a room that does not get central air, you have two versatile options. The first is to install a window unit. Many hotel rooms, cabins, garages, and temporary buildings are cooled by window units which are insulated into the space of an open window. The second is to use a portable air conditioner. Portable air conditioners roll on wheels, and require less effort to set up, but also require an exhaust hose to direct heat out a nearby window.

Which is better for your cooling needs? Choosing between a portable AC vs window AC depends on the space you want to cool and the circumstances you predict in the future. They are each suited to different situations, though both work quite well to cool almost any space that does not already have a cooling system installed.

We'll walk you through the differences between their features and uses to help you choose the best AC unit for your needs.

Considerations When Deciding Between Portable and Window ACs

Portability and Installation

Portable air conditioners are, as the name suggests, more portable. They typically roll on wheels, and need only a power outlet and a window for the exhaust tube to get started. They can then easily move on to the next space for cooling in just a few easy steps, and can use both vertical and horizontal window designs.

Window units are portable, but they are much more labor intensive to install. They must be properly set into a window that opens vertically, supported, insulated, and powered to get started, and will need to be uninstalled and reinstalled to be used somewhere else.

Cooling Efficiency

Window ACs tend to be more efficient per watt-hour than portable ACs. This is, in part, because they have full access to indoor and outdoor space without the need for hose. Portable ACs are reasonably efficient, but rely on hoses for air intake and heat exhaust, reducing their cooling and energy efficiency compared to their size.

Space and Aesthetic Considerations

Portable ACs tend to be more attractive than window units. Many people associate window units with spaces like motels and temporary buildings. Very few window units are designed to appear sleek and they place a large amount of the machinery hanging out the exterior of the window.

Portable ACs are designed to look more like attractive indoor appliances with sleek chassis and modern controls. Except for the exhaust hose, a portable AC fits into almost any modern and high-tech decor.

Cost Comparison

Portable ACs tend to come at a higher price point than window ACs upon purchase, while window ACs tend to be somewhat more energy-efficient and therefore more affordable for long-term use. This is because portable ACs are more complex and have to overcome certain efficiency challenges to operate without the convenient window mounting configuration.

Noise Levels

When talking about portable air conditioners vs window air conditioners, both are comparably noisy. Both include their compressors and fans inside the unit, which makes them comparable to a fairly loud fan.

Maintenance Requirements

Portable and window ACs have similar maintenance requirements. They both need regular filter changes and should be routinely wiped down. However, portable ACs typically need an internal condensate reservoir emptied frequently, and window ACs may need to be cleaned of outdoor debris routinely, depending on the outdoor conditions.

Adaptability and Applications

Here's where you really want to make your decision. How and where do you plan to use your AC unit?

Do you occasionally need an AC to occupy temporarily uncooled spaces? A portable AC unit will be ideal because it is easy to set up or quickly move to a new location.

Do you plan to set up shop in a single location that does not have central air? Or do you move location every year or few months to a new building, where you will occupy the same space for some time? If so, a window unit is the better choice, offering efficiency and stability while considering the more labor-intensive installation and movement efforts.

Shop for Portable and Window ACs with Northstock

Whether you are considering a portable AC, a window AC, or you're not yet sure which one to choose, Northstock can help. Our HVAC experts can guide you through the selection process to find the right air conditioner for every space and situation. Whether you are planning to travel with an AC or set up cooling in an uncooled space, you're sure to find exactly the right unit with Northstock as your guide. Contact us today to shop for portable and window ACs.
