Cost Comparison Guide: Swamp Cooler vs. AC Cooling—What's Best for Your Budget?

Posted by NorthStock, Inc. on May 16th 2024

Cost Comparison Guide: Swamp Cooler vs AC Cooling

Commercial cooling systems are essential for the comfort of your employees and visitors, for the safe operation of your equipment, and the quality and freshness of your products. Facilities in most climate regions require air conditioning for at least part of the year, and there are a lot of options, from portable air conditioners and swamp coolers to PTAC units, VTAC units, and more.

AC cooling expenses are a major consideration when choosing your cooling systems. Comparing swamp cooler vs. AC costs requires a look at the initial price point as well as long-term costs for maintenance, operation, and more.

Understanding Swamp Coolers

Swamp cooler basics are easy to understand—using a fan and some water, these units rely on evaporation to cool a room. They've been in use for decades and are effective in dry, arid climates. Initial setup costs are low compared to air conditioners.

Understanding Air Conditioning Systems

The air conditioning basics: these units use refrigerant to cool a room. They can be used in all climate regions—whereas a swamp cooler (also known as an evaporative cooler) isn't effective in a humid environment. AC installation costs are typically higher than swamp coolers, but depend upon the size and type of AC system you choose: PTAC vs. VTAC, window units, central air, etc.

Operating Costs

The cost efficiency of your swamp cooler will depend upon a variety of factors:

  • Utility costs in your region
  • Climate
  • Usage patterns
  • Size of the space and size of the unit
  • And more

Evaporative coolers consume less energy than air conditioners and typically have lower operating costs overall.

Maintenance and Repair Costs

Both swamp coolers and air conditioners require system upkeep to ensure efficiency and durability. These maintenance costs include:

  • Evaporative Coolers: Professional maintenance is typically required every one to three years, but you may need to do more routine maintenance like cleaning evaporative pads.
  • Air Conditioners: According to the U.S. Department of Energy, system upkeep includes cleaning or replacing the filter, cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils, and clearing condensate drains. Technicians should check for leaks, thermostat accuracy, and refrigerant levels on a semiannual basis.

If something breaks down, swamp cooler repair costs are typically lower than air conditioner costs because the system is simpler. These are some of the most common issues you might run into with either type of system:

  • No cold air
  • No air flow
  • Bad odors
  • Leaks

Lifespan and Long-Term Costs

With proper maintenance, you can expect a system lifespan of up to 20 years for an industrial or commercial air conditioner and up to 15 years for a swamp cooler. Long-term costs are typically lower for a swamp cooler, due to lower replacement expenses, lower operating costs, and reduced maintenance requirements.

Energy Efficiency and Rebates

The IRS may offer deductions and tax credits for energy-efficient commercial buildings. Your local electric company might offer rebates when you install a swamp cooler for its energy efficiency. When purchasing a new cooling system, it's worthwhile to look into these opportunities as they may reduce your set up costs.

Environmental Cost Considerations

Swamp coolers are green cooling solutions, allowing you to reduce your carbon footprint. In addition to using more energy to operate, AC systems also use chemical refrigerants, which have a negative environmental impact.

Cost Comparison Summary: Pros and Cons of Swamp Coolers and AC Systems

For swamp cooler vs. AC costs, swamp coolers will typically emerge as the most economical solution. However, that's not the only consideration when choosing a unit. Take a look at this decision-making guide to help you determine whether swamp coolers or air conditioners are right for your facility:

  • Climate Region: In humid areas, swamp coolers are not an option. Air conditioners can be used in any environment.
  • Set-Up Costs: Swamp cooler installation costs are typically lower, though if you choose any type of portable unit you eliminate those costs altogether.
  • Operation Costs: This will depend upon the utility costs in your region.
  • Maintenance Costs: Both types of cooling system require periodic professional maintenance: usually twice a year for air conditioners and one to three years for swamp coolers. Swamp coolers may require more attention from you in terms of daily and monthly upkeep.
  • Replacement Costs: Evaporative coolers are typically less expensive than an air conditioner of equivalent size and cooling capacity.
  • Environmental Costs: Air conditioning refrigerant can be harmful to the environment—and potentially harmful to the health of your employees if there is a leak. Swamp coolers use water, which is in shorter supply and therefore more expensive in certain parts of the country. Overall, evaporative coolers use less energy to operate.


Both swamp coolers and air conditioners are smart cooling choices in certain circumstances. Our final recommendations require a close look at your climate region, cooling needs, and swamp cooler vs. AC costs in both the short and long term. At NorthStock, we have a wide variety of budget-friendly solutions for all types of industrial and commercial facilities, and we offer fast, free shipping to the lower 48 states as well as special pricing on high-volume orders. Take a look at our inventory or browse by part number, then contact us with your questions or to place an order.

Swamp Cooler FAQ

Is It Cheaper to Run a Swamp Cooler or an Air Conditioner?

This may depend upon the utility costs in your region, but generally speaking a swamp cooler is cheaper to run.

What Uses More Electricity, Swamp Cooler or AC?

AC units use more electricity.

How Much Does It Cost to Run a Swamp Cooler 24 Hours a Day?

A swamp cooler costs about 20-40 cents per hour to operate.

Does a Swamp Cooler Increase the Electric Bill?

Not as much as an air conditioner increases the bill.

Is a Swamp Cooler Better Than Central Air?

This really depends upon the cooling needs in your facility and your climate region. If you live in a humid climate, an air conditioner is a much better choice.

When Should You Not Use a Swamp Cooler?

Swamp coolers are not effective in humid climates or if the temperature is already below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. 
